Friday, January 15, 2016

Home. Sup. Telly. Bed.

Rolling friction sent me to the corner man

29th and Illinois, he always held his can

Sad cliche that thing, he shook for any coin

Called something out. Who could hear above the noise?


Cartoon shadow, star burnt the concrete wall,

Silhouette man, you had no eyes at all

Shook your shadow can up to the passing cars

Silhouette so thin. Wondered who you are.


Sign still red, so I... Do you drink instead of sup?

Silhouette man, you know, we all need a crutch

Probably a vet, I guessed, come back from war

29th and Illinois and still fighting desert storms?


Signs, they change so I...took a sharp turn right

Onto the busy road that led me to night

Silhouette men can't be seen without the light

Rolling friction sends me out of sight.


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